Guess I should have confirmed my score with our scorekeeper. I shot an 89 that day, not a 91
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On Sep 10, 2024, at 8:41 AM, [email protected] wrote:
Hello Jaymae,Perry McCollom CTP Winner1′ 9″ USD 77.00CTP on hole #7 was Perry McCollom at 1′ 9″ for $39.00
CTP on hole #15 was Bruce Rarick at 14′ 6″ for $38.00
Total payout was $77.00Team Average Handicap: 15.5Team Score: 339Team Flight: First FlightTeam Result: Did not PlaceMGC CUP Points earned from your team’s result: 0Your Winnings: USD 0.00And your detailed results are…Your team started on Hole 13You played from the Red teesYour handicap for this day was a 14You shot a 91 / Net 77Your net score result was a Did Not Place out of 43 players earning you 1 individual MGC Cup Points .To view the complete results click here.LOP MGC